Sentinel-1 Radiometric Terrain Corrected (RTC) Data¶
Processed by: Indigo Ag
The Sentinel-1 mission is a constellation of two C-band Synthetic Aperature Radar (SAR) imaging satellites from the European Space Agency (ESA). These satellites were launched in 2014 (S1A) and 2016 (S1B) and are capable of providing imagery in all-weather, day or night, under a few different observation configurations. Each satellite has a repeat cycle of 12-days and completes 175 orbits per cycle, giving it a potential 6-day repeat coverage time.
The Sentinel-1 data included in this dataset are from the “Interferometric Wide Swath” (IW) mode, which is the main acquisition mode over land. The data were first preprocesed by ESA into a Level-1 “Ground Range Detected” (GRD) product, which involves detection, multi-looking, and projection to ground-range using a simple Earth ellipsoid model.
We have applied additional processing steps on top of the “GRD” product to make it “Radiometric Terrain Corrected” (RTC), including calibration, noise removal, speckle filtering, and radiometric and terrain correction. We also transform the dataset from a collection of “scenes”, or slices of orbital passes, into a regularly gridded, “tiled” data product. We perform these steps to make the imagery suitable for analysis, but some preprocessing choices may not fit your application. For more information, see the Methodology section.
This product is available for the Contiguous United States (CONUS) only, which has been mapped routinely over the enter domain since 2017 in dual-vertical (DV) polarization mode on ascending orbits. We update the dataset with newly acquired Sentinel-1 data on a daily cadence.
For questions regarding the dataset, you may contact
The use of these data fall under the terms and conditions of the Indigo Atlas Sentinel License.
Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data.